
Why Prioritizing Mental Health Is Essential for Companies in Jackson Looking to Improve Retention

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May is Mental Health Month, a time when it’s wise to review wellness initiatives and determine what the company can do to help employees thrive. Often, prioritizing mental health is a critical part of the equation, and not just for the reasons you think. While a happy workforce is generally a productive one, you’ll also see retention gains by making mental health a primary concern.

If you’re wondering why prioritizing mental health improves retention and what you can do to adjust your company’s approach, here’s what you need to know.

How Employee Mental Health Impacts Retention

Employee mental health impacts careers in a number of ways. Along with influencing productivity, it classically plays a role in job satisfaction.

When a worker isn’t happy in their position, a few things can occur. Some may disengage, causing work quality to diminish. At times, their outputs may decline to the point where letting them go might become a necessity, effectively creating a retention issue.

However, poor employee mental health can also cause workers to leave on their own. Instead of remaining in a situation that’s causing them strife, they’ll head for the exit in hopes of moving toward something better. As a result, you end up with retention struggles, albeit originating from a different direction.

How to Prioritize Employee Mental Health

Prioritizing employee mental wellbeing often means updating certain approaches and mindsets at your company. You’ll want to create supportive environments where workers feel appreciated and valued. Additionally, you need a landscape where employees can speak freely about their struggles without judgment, increasing the odds that they’ll reach out if they’re struggling.

Encourage managers to check in with workers without focusing on their tasks as they do. By learning more about how your employees are feeling overall, you can spot potential issues as they’re developing, creating opportunities for early intervention. Plus, it can cultivate a sense of camaraderie, improving the overall culture.

Additionally, if a worker begins uncharacteristically struggling in their role, that could signal a change in the employee’s mental health. By approaching the issue with that in mind, you’re more likely to avoid chastising the worker. Instead, you may favor an investigative strategy, ensuring you can identify why things have ultimately changed.

It’s also smart to distribute mental health resources to employees. You can use the intranet and feature a page dedicated to wellness. Along with outlining tips and tricks, you could showcase any company perks that support improved health and better work-life balance.

Finally, companies should encourage employees to access any mental health-oriented benefits. This includes employee assistance programs and medical benefits focused on counseling. It could also involve paid time off, as taking a vacation could help a worker recenter and recharge.

Struggling with Retention?

Ultimately, prioritizing mental health is critical for retention. If you have been struggling with retention, the staff at TempStaff can help. Contact us to speak with one of our team members today and see how our staffing solutions can benefit you.

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