Career Development

What to Do When You Feel Like the Right Job Doesn’t Exist

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Once you get your career moving, you usually hope that you’ll feel like you’re on the right path for the rest of your working years. The issue is, that doesn’t always happen. A surprising number of professionals get well into their careers only to determine that their role doesn’t seem like a great fit. Then, they switch into another job, only to find that those aren’t quite right either.

Struggling to find a job you love is frustrating, if not outright disheartening. Thankfully, even if you’ve experienced this challenge previously, that doesn’t mean you can’t find a stellar match. If you aren’t sure where to begin, here are some tips that can help you figure out what to do when you feel like the right job doesn’t exist.

How to Find a Job That is The Right Fit

Reflect on Your Priorities (and Identify Must-Haves)

As a first step, spend some time reflecting on your professional priorities. Your goal should be to identify any must-haves, such as the ability to use a skill you enjoy, work in a particular kind of environment, be part of a specific industry, make a meaningful difference, or anything else that connects to a role that would make you happy.

You can be as general or specific as you like initially. Often, it’s easier to start with basic brainstorming and then refine your points later, giving you a chance to reflect on each idea individually before you try to drill down deeper.

Consider What You Don’t Want in a Job

After you outline your priorities, examine your career from another angle by determining what you don’t want in a job. Think about your past roles and identify points that left you frustrated, bored, or otherwise dissatisfied.

Along with duties, consider work schedule requirements, physical environments, culture, or any other aspect of your experience. That way, you get a full picture of past pain points, giving you insights about what to avoid the next time around.

Find Potential Options

After the two steps above, you should explore your passions. Consider the kind of work you’d potentially like to do, even if it’s far off from the career path you’ve traveled thus far. The idea is to identify options that get you excited about the future, giving you a starting point.

As you come up with ideas, dig deeper. Review job descriptions for the potential targets and reach out to professionals in those roles to request informational interviews. That way, you can get a clearer picture of what working in those positions is like, helping you find a target that feels like a better match.

Try a Temporary Job

Once you find roles that could be a solid fit, take your exploration to the next level with a temporary job. You can find a position in the same field or with your preferred company, for example. That way, you can get some first-hand experience, making it easier to determine if that path is a match. If so, you can pursue it with confidence. If not, you can complete the assignment and then find another temporary job in a new area, allowing you to continue your exploration.

Need Help Finding A Great New Job?

Ultimately, finding a job you love can take some exploration, but it’s worth doing if you’re struggling to find a role that feels right. If you’re ready to try out a new position, the staff at TempStaff can help. Contact us today.

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