
4 Signs Your Background Checks Are Not Thorough and How a Staffing Firm Can Help

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When your company conducts background checks on candidates, accuracy is essential. However, many companies initially believe that their current approach is working well, only to discover that it falls short at an inopportune time.

Luckily, there are signs that your background checks aren’t measuring up. If you want to make sure yours do, here are four signs that your background checks aren’t thorough, as well as a look at how a staffing firm can help you do it better.

Four Signs Your Background Checks Are Holding You Back

  1. Your Background Checks Only Explore One Information Source

Many companies mistakenly believe that background checks that rely on a single database of information are thorough. In reality, no single database contains every detail you may need to learn.

There are multiple criminal databases, for example, including those managed at the county, state, and federal levels. Additionally, educational records and employment histories aren’t housed in those databases. Instead, that data is stored elsewhere, often scattered through a range of databases.

Thorough background checks need to include records searches in a variety of databases. Otherwise, there is a strong chance that any results you generate are incomplete.

  1. You Are Getting Instant Results

Instant results on a background check may sound convenient, but that kind of speed could mean you’re getting less than thorough results. Often, in-depth background checks take time, mainly because checking multiple databases for information isn’t always a quick process.

In some cases, instant results churn out “matching” records that don’t actually belong to the candidate. The chance of that is surprisingly high, especially if the job seeker has a common name. If that happens and you make a hiring decision without verifying that the record actually belongs to the job seeker, you might be non-compliant with Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) rules.

  1. You Rely Heavily on Social Media Checks

While taking a look at a candidate’s social media pages isn’t a bad idea, relying too heavily on social media background check services to make hiring decisions could be a mistake. Social media often can’t be considered a reliable source of data. Not only can profiles be falsified, but verifying what’s shown is often quite difficult.

Plus, the profile in question may not even belong to the candidate. While some of the details may match, there is no guarantee that the job seeker is actually the person behind the profile. It could be a case of mistaking one person for another or one where a profile was created with the candidate’s name and likeness without their knowledge.

  1. You’re Not Calling References

Contacting references is a critical step if you want to thoroughly vet a candidate. They are opportunities to speak with past managers and colleagues, allowing you to verify past employment and learn more about the candidate’s capabilities.

When you skip contacting references, you’re essentially taking the job seeker at their word. While this may not be an issue if the candidate is honest, some job seekers aren’t as scrupulous as others. Not checking references means you can’t separate the truthful candidates from the dishonest ones, increasing the odds that you’ll make a poor hiring decision due to a lack of accurate information.

Need Help Finding Quality Candidates? TempStaff Can Help!

If you want to ensure that you’re getting the high-quality candidates you need, working with a staffing firm can help. At TempStaff, we understand the importance of thorough screening. That’s why we conduct thorough background checks on all candidates.

If you’re looking for a better hiring experience, the team at TempStaff wants to hear from you. Contact us today.

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