
Decluttering Your Workspace: Set the Stage for a Successful Fall

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When your workspace is cluttered, stress levels tend to rise. Plus, clutter can harm your productivity. Along with being a distraction, it makes important items harder to find, slowing you down during your workday. Fortunately, decluttering your workspace is simple, and taking the time to do it can set the stage for a successful fall. Here are some tips to get you started.

Organizing Your Desk

Typically, the easiest way to organize your desk is to start with a clean slate. Take every item and place it into a box or container temporarily, leaving only large items you know you need, like your computer, mouse, and keyboard.

Next, pick an item out of the box. Decide whether it’s essential for work and needs to be physically on your desk at all times. If so, pick a location that becomes the items home. If it’s necessary but can be put away, set it in a second box. For unnecessary items, plan to either throw them out or get them out of your work area.

As you place items back on your desk, create desk zones for specific activities. For example, you may have a computer, a writing, and personal touches zones. That helps group items used together in a single place.

After handling your desk surface, it’s time to address your draws and shelves. You’ll use the same process, removing everything, making a choice about whether it’s necessary, and then finding it a home. For items from your desk placed in the second box, see if they have a home at this time, too.

For drawers, investing in dividers, organizers, or containers can make organization easier. These solutions create designated spots for various items, and prevent things from rolling around. As a result, it’s easier to ensure everything you have is in its proper place.

Optimizing Your Digital Files

If you have a cluttered computer screen, organizing it is worth doing. Begin by deleting any unneeded files or shortcuts. Then, design a logical folder structure to hold various documents. How the hierarchy unfolds may vary depending on the nature of your job. For some, creating project, client, or topic-based files may work best. What matters is that the system has a clear flow and folder names are well-chosen to ease finding what you need. That allows you to limit what ultimately resides on your desktop, creating an organized look.

After handling your desktop, tackle other cluttered storage solutions. This can include your email, cloud storage, or anything else you rely on regularly. Using a folder-based approach is often the simplest option. Just make sure to delete what’s no longer needed.

Minimizing Distractions

When you’re decluttering your workspace, aim to minimize visual distractions. Generally, anything that moves or flashes may draw the eye. For example, you may want to avoid desktop backgrounds that change, as those could be distracting.

Additionally, forgo post-it notes. Sticky notes to your screen or around your desk create visual clutter. Instead, choose another way to track tasks or information, such as using your digital calendar as a to-do list or a notebook you can close and put away.

Ultimately, taking the time to declutter your workspace lets you start fall on a positive note. If you’d like to learn more or are looking for new job opportunities, TempStaff can help. Contact us today.

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