HR Insights & Best Practices

Does Networking Really Matter?

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Most career experts say that networking is the key to ongoing professional success. However, it’s normal for professionals to have some doubts about the value networking provides, particularly since it’s a potentially time-intensive activity. If you’re wondering whether networking really matters and what you can do to get the most value from networking, here’s what you need to know.

Why Networking Really Matters

On the surface, networking may seem like little more than a social connection with other professionals. In reality, the relationships can provide far more value.

Networking is a chance to share your expertise with others, as well as learn from the journeys of professionals in your field. As a result, it can help you cultivate a positive reputation and enhance your knowledge in relevant areas.

When you network, you’re functionally increasing your visibility. Every connection creates chances to engage with more professionals in your industry, harnessing word-of-mouth to your benefit. Plus, it leads to a stronger support network, giving you places to turn when you encounter challenges.

With networking, you can also experience greater career and business growth. The people you meet may know about opportunities that can move you closer to your professional goals. Additionally, they may lead to additional business for your employer or your own company, heightening your chances of success.

How to Network Effectively

Effective networking is about more than simple conversations; it’s about creating a two-way street that provides both parties with value. When you give support to the members of your network, they’re more likely to do the same when you’re in need. As a result, you should examine each potential connection to ensure there’s something to gain and a chance for you to give in a meaningful way.

Additionally, focusing on quality over quantity is beneficial. When you forge strong connections with a limited number of professionals, the odds of mutual value rise. If you stretch yourself too thin, you may have trouble cultivating relationships that can provide ample value for both parties, making it harder to find a suitably strong connection to leverage when the need arises.

Next, plan to touch base with various members of your network regularly. The occasional, short check-in message to see how they’re doing can help keep the relationships established. Block out time each week to reach out to a few members of your network. Then, rotate who you contact every week, making the process more manageable.

Finally, make sure to network outside of your immediate field. While connecting with other professionals in your niche is critical, also forge relationships with those who are in a similar but not fully allied area, as they could lead to unexpected opportunities.

Similarly, networking with hiring managers and recruiters is a wise move. Then, when they need to fill a vacancy that aligns with your skillset, your name is more likely to come to mind. Again, this can lead to career-boosting opportunities that are otherwise hard to access, effectively giving you a leg up with your career.

If you’re preparing for a job search and want to connect with a recruiter who can help you elevate your career efficiently, TempStaff can help. Contact us to learn more about our open positions and available candidate services today.

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