
Job searches are, in a word, challenging. While it’s normal to have a sense of excitement when you begin, the process is often more of a marathon than a sprint. As a result, it’s normal to experience some level of emotional exhaustion at times, particularly if there are some rejections along the way.

Fortunately, there are steps you can take to recharge, allowing you to regain your footing and continue your job search until you succeed. If you aren’t sure where to begin, here are some tips that can help you fight emotional exhaustion when applying for jobs.

Take a (Short) Break

If you feel like you’re on the brink, sometimes the best thing you can do is take a short break from your job search. While it’s wise to make it a priority, stepping away for a day or two gives you a chance to relax and recenter. You can spend some extra time focused on self-care or take a moment to reassess your approach. By doing so, you’ll be better equipped to continue on, allowing you to begin your job search again with renewed vigor.

Get Organized

In some cases, job searches are emotionally exhausting because they’re overwhelming. Searching for opportunities, customizing your resume repeatedly, tracking applications, and communicating with hiring managers is a lot of work, particularly if you’re approaching the process haphazardly.

Typically, you can make a job search less stressful by embracing organization. Create a spreadsheet to track your applications, including when you submitted them, decision timelines, closing dates, and when you need to follow up. That gives you a functional to-do list, too, ensuring nothing falls through the cracks.

Additionally, pace out your job search to make it more manageable. Designate specific times on certain days for job search activities. That decreases the odds that you’ll overdo it, making it feel more manageable.

Learn from Rejection

While a job rejection is emotionally challenging, reframing it as a learning opportunity could make it less daunting. Consider what went right and wrong during the process. Ask the hiring manager for feedback on your application and interview. Invite insights that can help you improve. Then, you can use what you learn to increase your odds of impressing the next time around.

Get Support

At times, getting support from your nearest and dearest can make a job search less stressful. Speak with family members and friends about the challenges you’re facing, allowing you to air frustrations instead of bottling them up. Additionally, make sure to have fun with your loved ones regularly, as that can make you more resilient as you continue the process.

Let Go

Many candidates don’t just spend a little time reflecting on missteps so that they can learn from them; they start to dwell on their mistakes. Knowing when you’re crossing into harmful territory can help you avoid negative thinking that may impact your mindset. While moving on isn’t always easy, remaining focused on the future does make a difference. You can concentrate on what may lie ahead, allowing you to continue forth until you land that perfect opportunity.

Ultimately, all of the tips above can help you fight emotional exhaustion when you’re applying for jobs. If you’d like assistance with your search, partnering with a recruiter can also be a great way to reduce stress, ensuring you have ample support along the way.

If you’re looking for a new opportunity, the team at TempStaff can help. Contact us today.

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