Career Development

Is Your Boss an “M-Word”…Micromanager?!

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Few things are as frustrating to a professional as having a boss who likes to micromanage. Often, the constant hovering and corrections make the workplace feel very negative, particularly since the manager’s actions make it appear as if they don’t trust their team.

Many professionals struggle with how to address the issue of being micromanaged, particularly since speaking to their boss can seem confrontational. Luckily, there are things you can do to quell a micromanager. If your boss is an “m-word,” here’s what you need to know.

Keep Calm

When your boss is a micromanager, it isn’t uncommon to feel frustrated, or even angry. However, confronting them when your emotions are at a high is nearly always a bad idea. Similarly, demanding they stop won’t go over well.

Additionally, resist the urge to vent to your co-workers. Usually, all this does is breed a sense of negativity. Plus, there is a chance that one of your colleagues will clue your manager in about your rants, and that can hurt your career, even if you aren’t entirely wrong about the assessment or how you feel.

Instead, you need to address the situation methodically. Try to set your emotions aside and examine the situation objectively. Consider your past performance and current quality of your outputs. Be honest with yourself about how you perform in the workplace and take ownership in any role you may have played that led to this outcome.

Reframe Your Approach

In many cases, micromanaging is a reflection of a boss who is trying to remain in control of everything in their purview, leading them to be over-the-top in how they supervise. This is especially true if you have struggled to meet expectations in the past, which may cause your manager to be more cautious when giving you assignments.

If you otherwise enjoy your work, it’s wise to reframe your approach. Instead of focusing on what your manager does that gets on your nerves, consider what they may need to feel more confident in your capabilities.

By looking at things from your manager’s perspective, even for a moment, you may see the situation differently. Then, you can prepare to discuss the matter properly.

Schedule a Meeting

Once you adjust your perspective, schedule a meeting with your manager. Don’t confront them with their micromanaging. Instead, arrive with the goal of finding a resolution that makes your boss feel more confident in your capabilities.

Ask your manager about their needs and expectations. Find out what success looks like in your position and if there are any concerns about your abilities you need to address.

Then, work together to create a mutually beneficial plan that allows them to feel secure in taking a step back and gives you the space to work without as much of their involvement. For example, you could propose regularly progress reports via email to provide them with insight into your progress without them needing to hover.

Look for a New Job

If you try the approach above and it doesn’t resolve the issue, you may need to consider finding a new job. Some bosses micromanage out of habit, and they may be unlikely to change even if you are meeting or exceeding their expectations.

While seeking out new opportunities can seem like a daunting task, it doesn’t have to be. If you are interested in finding a new position, the team at TempStaff can help. Contact us to speak with one of our skilled recruiters today and see how our services can make it easier than ever to find your ideal job.



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