HR Insights & Best Practices

What Has Changed About Working Women Since Last Year?

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Even as corporate America touts their dedication to gender diversity, very little has shifted for working women in recent years. Often, the commitment to the concept doesn’t translate into meaningful action in the workplace, creating a standstill that harms women’s careers as well as company bottom lines.

If you are wondering what it is like for working women, here’s what you need to know.

Women are Still Underrepresented in Leadership Roles

While having women in leadership positions can be incredibly beneficial for companies, they are still dramatically underrepresented in the management world. Women only hold around 38 percent of the manager roles, and the higher up the ladder you look, the worse the numbers get. By the time you hit the executive level, only 22 percent of the positions are held by women.

Often, people assume the discrepancy is due to women leaving the workforce at a faster rate than men. In reality, that isn’t the case, as men and women actually move away from their jobs as well as their careers at practically identical rates.

Women Don’t Have the Same Access to Senior Leaders

Interactions with senior leaders can have a dramatic impact on one’s career. If an upper-level manager likes you, values your contribution personally, or even just recognizes your name and has a basic positive association, it may be easier to negotiate promotions or access other opportunities.

Today, women still don’t have the same level of access to senior leaders as men. One study showed that about 27 percent of men have never had a significant interaction with a member of the leadership team, 33 percent of women were in that boat. Men also report more informal interactions with senior leaders than women, with only 40 percent of men saying that they have never taken part in such an interaction while 49 percent of women say that they haven’t had the opportunity.

Women Aren’t Afraid to Negotiate

Many people believe that women don’t advance as quickly because they don’t negotiate as often as men. However, in corporate America, that idea isn’t an accurate one.

Over the last two years, women actually reported negotiating for a raise or promotion as a higher rate than men. For raises, 31 percent of women and 29 percent of men said they took part in a conversation. For promotions, the numbers for women and men are 37 percent and 36 percent, respectively.

Ultimately, even with gender diversity being listed as a priority at many companies, progress is incredibly slow going. As a result, organizations could be missing out on excellent opportunities, including access to top talent, increased innovation, and stronger cultures.

If you are interested in learning more about working women in their role in your workplace, the staff at TempStaff can help. Contact us to speak with one of our knowledgeable team members today and see how our gender diversity expertise can benefit you.



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