
Want to Attract Light Industrial Talent? Don’t Make These 5 Mistakes

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When companies look to add new talent, they often resort to their standard hiring processes and procedures. But just because these techniques worked well even a few years ago, that doesn’t mean they will attract employees today. In most cases, light industrial talent have options regarding where they can work, and simple mistakes in your process can lead them to pass your company by instead of submitting a resume.

If you want to make sure you are attracting the highest level of light industrial talent, here are five mistakes you need to avoid.

1. Being Vague

Top candidates don’t want to guess what the job entails. Even if the basics are included in the job posting, be prepared to share more details with candidates that show promise. This helps them properly assess whether their skills translate well to the job, which is just as important as you determining whether they may be the right fit.

Making it seem like the details of the job are a secret only breed suspicion. And the last thing you want is to have job seekers assuming you are hiding something this early in the process.

2. Missing the Introduction Window

If you receive an application from a great potential employee, then assuming a position of radio silence is a big mistake. Even if you are a week or two from scheduling interviews, consider reaching out and giving them an overview of what to expect from the process. Otherwise, they may assume their resume landed in a giant black hole and might move on to other opportunities before you even have a chance to say hello.

3. Lacking Follow Up

Another common mistake companies make is failing to follow up in a timely fashion. Whether this is reaching out to schedule an interview or providing feedback regarding whether they go the position, not keeping employees posted during the process can make them feel forgotten. And that may lead them to assume the position was given to someone else.

4. Lowballing

Most companies want to hire top talent, but they don’t always want to pay the sort of salary required to secure these candidates. While most job seekers are prepared for some negotiation, coming in with an offer that is well below the industry standard might have them exiting the process instead of making a counter offer.

If a job offer is too low, some candidates will find it insulting. And, once that line has been crossed, it is nearly impossible to recover.

5. Not Branching Out

While this isn’t specifically about interacting with individual candidates, it is important to recognize that failing to recruit from multiple sources means you aren’t tapping all of the talent available. Not every top light industrial candidate uses the same mechanisms for finding job opportunities. So, if you only post on a single job board, you aren’t reaching everyone who may be available.

If you are interested in reaching more potential job candidates, TempStaff is here to help. Contact us to explore your options today.



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