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Are You the Best Candidate For the Job? Prove It!

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As a job seeker, you cannot simply walk into a job interview and assume that you have all the skills that the hiring manager is looking for. While you may believe you are a good fit for the job – based on the job description given and your experience – many companies today require candidates to prove they have what it takes and are the best candidate for the job. How can you do this?

Make sure your resume reflects your true capabilities

The moment your resume lands on the hiring manager’s desk, they start reviewing it for the skills and abilities that are needed for the job. How well you are able to convey this on your resume and cover letter makes their initial impression of you. Take a look at your resume and decide if it is strong enough to convince someone to bring you in for an interview. If it doesn’t address the desired skill sets in the job advert, do some editing before sending your resume in.

Be able to back up your skills with references and examples

You need to be able to back up all your skills, experience, education, and achievements with concrete facts. Did you earn any certificates or awards at your previous jobs? Can you provide reports of your sales number, financial results, or call center success? Did you gather professional reference letters from former supervisors and colleagues? How about your LinkedIn profile – do you have any endorsements or proof that you have what it takes? Use these as evidence during the interview process.

Take a career assessment and share the results

Fortunately, today there are many career and personality assessments that are free or low-cost for job seekers. Take the time to participate in a few, and then hold on to the results to share during interviews. Job centers and online assessments are ready to help you prove your skills to potential employers. Staffing agencies often provide no-cost access to job skill assessments, so you can take them before you accept any temporary or long-term placement jobs.

By using the above tips, you can help to prove your skills and ultimately your value to hiring managers, making it easier to land a great job and show that you’re the best candidate for the job.


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