With the economy rebounding finally around the USA, companies have begun to find it difficult to find temporary workers in a more candidate-driven market. Since many organizations rely on temporary workers to manage costs, it’s critical to be able to find and recruit the best. Temporary workers are available at all levels to staff for short-term projects, seasonal production peaks, and to replace employees who have left high-turnover positions.
If you follow the tips here, your company should have no problem finding the best temporary workers out there to fill some of your open positions.
Cast a Wide Net
One of the first things your company will need to do is cast a wide net in its search for strong temporary workers. This means that you cannot limit your search area to a couple of staffing agencies close to your company’s location. Consider branching out to agencies across the entire region, not just within your city limits. Also, consider posting your open positions on temporary staffing job boards that workers can see all over the country. The wider the net you cast, the more successful you will be in your search for temporary workers in a candidate-driven market.
Non-monetary Benefits are Nice
If you are having trouble finding temporary workers in this market, consider offering non-monetary benefits to those workers when you extend job offers. These benefits can include extra time off from work, half-days, the ability to work remotely and much more. Other non-monetary benefits include flex time, a lighter dress code, summer hours and a rewards system. Make sure you review all of these ideas prior to instituting them so you do not violate any policies of the company.
Be a Strong Communicator
Communication is key no matter the industry in which you work. If you have a strong line of communication with your employees, potential workers will see it and want to work for you. Even when talking with temporary workers, you must have an open line of communication. Let them know how you can be reached and at what times of the day. This includes setting the expectations the company has for its temporary workers upfront. When you do this, you will be able to attract the top temporary workers in a candidate-driven market.
Sell Yourself to Job Candidates
It may seem “backwards” in the recruitment phase, but in truth, companies must do some selling of their own in order to attract the best temporary employees possible. When companies do not sell themselves, it becomes harder to acquire the best talent out there. One way for a company to sell itself is to provide candidates with all of the opportunities he or she could be offered if they were to work there. When a company finds all of the opportunities available for top talent, it becomes easier to attract the talent and find them in such a candidate-driven market today.
The job market is focused on candidates right now, but there is always the need for temporary employees. Since this is the case, your company needs to change how it operates when attracting talent.