Career Development, News

How to Follow Up if You do Not Get the Job

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The search for a job can be very stressful and lengthy at times. Getting a phone call from the hiring manager, who tells you that the job was offered to someone else, can be demoralizing. Do not let this phone call dampen your spirits or cause you to stop the search for a new job.

At this point, you might be wondering how to follow-up after being rejected for the job? Instead of accepting a “no”, there are ways to leverage this to your advantage. If this is the case, follow the tips in this post and you will know what to do the next time you are rejected from a job.

Reflect on the Process

In the immediate days following the rejection notice, do a little bit of reflecting about the entire process. Think back to the interview. Were you short with your answers? Did you struggle with the questions? Was your body language inappropriate? Also think about the requirements and skills needed for the job. Were you under-qualified from the start? If so, this is a direct answer as to why you did not receive the offer for the job. Use this to better present yourself the next opportunity you get, because this is NOT the end of the road for you by any stretch!

Contact the Hiring Manager

Once you have taken time to reflect on the process with the company, reach out to the hiring manager. You can speak to the hiring manager and anyone else you met during the process to thank them for their time. You can send an email, a thank-you note, or make a phone call to do this. Let them know that you are grateful for their time and understand their decision to move in a different direction. Also ask them to keep your information on-hand in the event a job opens up that matches your experience and education.

Request Feedback

Some hiring managers will take time to let you know why you were not offered a job. Others will not have time to provide feedback to candidates. If you are working with a recruiter, he or she should be able to provide you with feedback of your interview and other meetings with the company. The recruiter should have information on why you were not chosen, including a bad interview, not having the proper skill set, or not having enough experience.

Stay in Touch

There is absolutely nothing wrong with staying in touch with the company, even if you have been rejected for a job the first time up. Just do not spam them constantly with emails or phone calls. Wait a month or two after being rejected from a job and contact a member of human resources or the hiring manager. Ask if they have any new open jobs that might fit your experience and skill set. This shows the company that you are very interested in them and that you are serious about finding work with them.

Want to learn more? Explore important recruitment and employment topics by reading a few popular posts from a leading staffing agency in Jackson MS, TempStaff!


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