The Overqualified Candidate: Do not fear!

The economy’s slow growth, along with the nation’s unemployment rate, is showing some small glimpses of improvement. What this means is that managers are starting to gear up for hiring again. But with the unemployment rate recently soaring to record levels, more than likely you’ll see your share of overqualified candidates walk through your door. […]

Factors to Consider When Looking to Fill an Executive Position

You are ready to attract that top executive; the candidate who is going to help take your business to the next level. As you enter the world of hiring an executive, you will need to get serious. It is possible to lure in applicants that are seasoned and proven, if you provide those individuals with […]

2012 Employer Recruitment SuccessTips

While the unemployment rate, as of the beginning of 2012, hovers somewhere around 8.5 percent in the USA, there are many excellent candidates available to fill upcoming assignments. However, this doesn’t mean that recruiters won’t face challenges finding the right candidates for jobs, especially those that require specialized skills and backgrounds to help businesses recover […]

IT Industry: 2012 Looks Bright for Hiring

Anyone working in the IT industry knows that good jobs have been hard to come by in recent years. Rather than hiring, companies have been promoting from within, eliminating non-essential positions, requiring overtime, and even laying off employees or outsourcing temporary work overseas in order to cut costs while times were lean. That trend looks […]