5 Signs You Need a Change of Pace at Work

Can you remember the last time you took a day off? And by taking a day off – we mean actually unplugging from your job and technology for more than 24 hours? If you have a nagging feeling that you need a change of pace at work, it could be time to schedule a day […]

Are You the Best Candidate For the Job? Prove It!

As a job seeker, you cannot simply walk into a job interview and assume that you have all the skills that the hiring manager is looking for. While you may believe you are a good fit for the job – based on the job description given and your experience – many companies today require candidates to prove […]

Do You Have Confidence in Your Career?

Want to be viewed as a professional worthy of respect from your peers and managers? The secret to success is developing confidence in your career. You may already have confidence in certain areas of your career now, which is a great start. But what would it mean if you had the courage to be confident […]

Ways to Start Preparing the Night before Your Interview

Congratulations, after months searching for a great job, you’ve finally been asked to come in for an interview at your dream company! This is an exciting time indeed, filled with plenty of anticipation. But you’ve come this far in your job search, and there’s no turning back. You can use this interview to your advantage […]

Can Your Outfit Affect the Outcome of Your Interview?

Whether you want to believe it or not, your choice of outfits can affect the outcome of your job interview. How? What you wear says a lot about you as a person and as an employee, because people make a lasting impression of you based on appearance. Your interview attire can be part of the […]

Are You Sabotaging Your Career Chances?

It has been weeks since you’ve heard from any of the companies that you’ve interviewed for. What’s going wrong? Could it be that you’re sabotaging your career chances through your own behaviors? Many job seekers unintentionally make it more difficult on themselves. They may not even realize it. You may find yourself in the same […]