Should You Provide Benefits to Mississippi Temporary Employees?

If your company enlists the help of Mississippi temporary employees, you might be wondering if they should be provided with benefits. The answer is not as simple as a yes or a no, which is why we will discuss both sides of the argument in this post. Do not forget that temporary employees are technically […]

Why Your Resume Should Be Ready BEFORE You Need a Job

It’s common for individuals to wait until applying for a new job to prepare a resume. This often happens once they realize their old resume hasn’t been updated since their last job hunt — often months or even years in the past. Whether or not you have done this before, you should stop doing it […]

Hiring Temps for Long-Term Potential Business Growth

Companies use temporary workers quite often for various reasons. Some of those reasons include seasonal help, to lighten the load of the full-time staff, to prevent burnout of the full-time staff, and to reduce overtime paid to full-time staff. There are times when companies will bring temporary workers into their office with the intention of […]

“Why Didn’t You Hire Me?” How to Answer THE Toughest Candidate Question

The interview process does not end when a candidate is chosen for the open position. In fact, there still is one step remaining; answering the tough questions from the candidates who were not chosen. One of the toughest questions human resource managers and recruiters face all the time is “Why didn’t you hire me?” This […]

3 Ways To Age-Proof Your Resume

Is your resume making you look too old or too young to hiring managers? If so, you might be getting ignored for the best jobs. Age discrimination in the hiring process is illegal, but it still happens every day. Putting together a resume that is age-proof can be a little bit challenging, but it should […]

4 Networking Tips that Can Help You Land a Temp Job in Jackson MS

Acquiring a temp job in Jackson MS does not have to be a daunting task for job seekers of any experience level. If you follow the four tips outlined in this post, you should have no trouble landing a temporary job in Jackson MS. #1 Using Social Networks Social networking is extremely important in today’s […]