Lunch Time Discovery: 5 Apps to Find Lunch Near Your Temp Job
Ah, lunchtime; the most important time of the day when you are working. However, if you are currently taking temp assignments, then you may not know the neighborhood well yet. No temp employee wants to face the prospects of yet another peanut butter and jelly sandwich eaten awkwardly in the company break room. That’s why […]
How to Develop a Successful Screening Process – Candidate Selection
Job openings at a company come and go all the time, which is why you need to make sure your candidate screening process is top-notch. If you do not perform due diligence when screening candidates, whether they are in-house or outside, and then you will not fill the position with the best person possible. Should […]
7 Ideal Incentives for Hourly Employees
It takes more than just a generous salary and rewarding work environment to keep hourly employees on board. High performance employees are looking for the total package. Smart managers know that in order to improve employee morale and encourage higher levels of productivity from their employees, they need to develop hourly employee incentive programs to […]
Reasons to Use Temporary Staffing for Your Business
Considering the use of temporary staff as your organization grows and evolves? A staffing agency does not merely provide “warm bodies” for open assignments. Staffing agencies offer multiple benefits to businesses, especially those in high growth or project based industries where employee turnover is an issue. Today’s staffing agency has a wide range of solutions […]