Does Your Workplace Have Unspoken Rules? Here’s Why They’re Bad for Business

  Every business needs rules to guide the actions of their employees. In most cases, these are listed in a series of formal policies and procedures, serving as a reference point for the activities of all workers within the company. However, most organizations also have numerous unspoken rules based on behavioral expectations and business norms. […]

How to Attract and Retain Generation Y Employees

Companies today are required to do a little “outside the box” thinking when working to attract young employees who represent Generation Y, or the Millennials as they are often referred to. It’s a task that many businesses compensation and benefit plans aren’t set up for, at this point in time. The good news is that […]

The Overqualified Candidate: Do not fear!

The economy’s slow growth, along with the nation’s unemployment rate, is showing some small glimpses of improvement. What this means is that managers are starting to gear up for hiring again. But with the unemployment rate recently soaring to record levels, more than likely you’ll see your share of overqualified candidates walk through your door. […]

Social Media 101: Make Friends, Not Fans in Recruiting Efforts

For recruiting and HR managers today, social media has become a necessary resource. However, not everyone uses it in the right manner. In terms of what recruiting is all about, consider just how social it is – prior to the advent of sites like LinkedIn and Facebook, social activities included talking to others in person, […]

Factors to Consider When Looking to Fill an Executive Position

You are ready to attract that top executive; the candidate who is going to help take your business to the next level. As you enter the world of hiring an executive, you will need to get serious. It is possible to lure in applicants that are seasoned and proven, if you provide those individuals with […]

The Importance of Job Postings and Their Content

What does your job posting say about you? Today’s recruiters have more challenges than ever. It is critical to create job postings that attract the right type of candidates. Sometimes the goal is to lure away that top-notch performer from another company. In other cases, you are willing to take on someone with little experience. […]