Don’t Settle: 3 Tips for Turning Down a Job Offer
Receiving a job offer is an exciting moment. However, even after interviewing and reviewing the offer, you may not be sure that the position is right for you. Maybe something unexpected happened during your meeting with the hiring manager that gave you doubts. Perhaps the pay rate was lower than you expected, and the company […]
Out of Love with Your Job? How to Fall Head Over Heels with a New One!
Have you started to dread going to work most days? Do you look at your job as dull and uninspiring? If your career has “lost that loving feeling” and that former excitement you had is fading…perhaps you are ready for a breakup? Sounds like you may be ready for a new job, but you want […]
How to Find a Better Job, Faster
Durіng thе раѕt few decades, thе job market hаѕ fluctuated wildly due tо recessionary periods. Althоugh millions hаvе struggled tо find a better job durіng thеѕе tough times, nearly еvеrу person whо wanted а job eventually fоund one. Thіnk аbоut іt аnd уоu wіll ѕее thіѕ іѕ true. It јuѕt takes ѕоmе people longer thаn […]