Why Having an Open Door Policy with Your Employees Is Important

Many managers have doubts about the effectiveness of open door policies. Additionally, some may view the arrangement as an invitation for interruptions, which they fear will harm their productivity. In reality, having an environment that helps employees thrive is essential for a company’s success. Since communication and transparency are often critical parts of that equation, […]

Keeping Your Workers Safe: How to Talk to Your Staff About the COVID Vaccination

Many companies strive to do everything they can to keep their workers safe. Now that COVID-19 vaccinations are rolling out and are available to most, if not all, working-age adults, many organizations are trying to figure out how to discuss the vaccine with their workforce. If you aren’t sure how to approach the topic, here […]

How to Prepare Your Workplace for Generation Changes

Concern about the impending retirement of baby boomers across the workforce has been expressed for years. Many companies received an unofficial extension when the recession in 2008 kept many older workers involved in the job market landscape for longer than planned. Now that signs of economic recovery have stabilized various industries, and retirement accounts, baby […]

Getting Your Staff Back on Track After the Holidays – Management Tips!

Have you ever heard of ‘holiday hangover’? Perhaps, you have experienced it yourself. We aren’t talking about the typical hangover induced by alcoholic drinks but a remnant of the holiday. Whether it is the Christmas & New Year holiday or a vacation, employees often suffer from a holiday hangover. They may not even be aware […]

De-motivational Management Habits You Need to Break Now

Companies are running thinner today with employees than ever before. Those employees are increasingly asked to do and accomplish more with fewer assets, minds, and materials. They’re expected to work longer hours, give up time off, and produce bigger and better results. At the same time many are asked to do this while having benefits, […]