Your Employer Branding Needs Some Work

  For many companies, employer branding is something usually left to the marketing department and focused on the products or services the business provides. But, there is another type of branding that you need to worry about: your employer branding. At its core, your employer brand is a reflection of your reputation, but it’s focused […]

3 Questions to Prepare for Your Next Job Interview

Nearly every job seeker understands the importance of preparing for interviews. Walking into an interview with self-confidence and the ability to answer questions effectively can lead to a new career opportunity. Not being prepared means being stressed out, nervous, and not having the means to adequately demonstrate your value to the person sitting on the […]

Conducting a Successful Cultural Fit Interview | Character Questions

When you are interviewing for an open position at your company, it’s a good idea to go beyond just candidate skills and experience. While having a relevant college degree and plenty of experience is required of your new hires, you will also want to be sure they fit well in the culture of the organization. […]