Don’t Let Your Career Growth Stall Because of COVID-19

For many, the pandemic had a dramatic impact on their professional lives. Widespread layoffs were common, particularly during the initial few months. However, even those who were fortunate enough to keep their jobs potentially saw their careers stall. Finding new career-advancing opportunities wasn’t always possible, and promotions may have been delayed. Additionally, many companies reduced […]

How to Keep Your Top Talent From Walking Out the Door

  This is a guest post by Silver Rose, president of Silver Rose Enterprises LLC. To learn more, please join us on Tuesday, January 21, 2020, at Noon CST for a Live Webinar with Silver Rose (How to Keep Your Top Talent From Walking Out the Door) This webinar is valid for 1 PDC toward […]

Find Your Best Career Path This Year

Most people know they need to find a career path, but that is usually easier said than done. After all, what seemed like an ideal choice initially may not actually be a great fit, or it may be difficult to translate your passions into a career. Luckily, it is possible to find your best career […]

Does Your Career Fall into One of These 3 Categories?

People often have distinct visions regarding the progression of their career path; they choose specific educational paths, work to reach the next job title in the series, and aim to get as far as possible for retirement. But how those goals are accomplished surprisingly fits most people into one of three career-oriented categories: Organizational, protean, […]

What Apple’s Steve Jobs Taught Us About Careers

Steve Jobs, the founder of the Apple company, tragically passed away October 5, 2011. Within a few days, the innovative iphone4 his company had developed was released to the public. Over one million units were sold within 24 hours of its release.  This is only one part of the legacy of this business legend. Steve […]