Looking for Work? 10 Tips for Mississippi Job Seekers

Finding a new job is usually challenging. Whether you’re trying to further your career, return to the workforce after a coronavirus layoff, or are looking for your next position before your temporary job ends, you can make the process easier. Here are ten tips that can help Mississippi job seekers find (and land) great opportunities […]

10 Tips For Keeping Employee Morale High this Fall

With the fall season upon us, many employees will hit a lull because they miss the summer vacations and the beautiful, warm weather. Because of this, you will need to keep employee morale as high as possible. Here are 10 tips that should help your staff with their morale levels this fall. Schedule an Outdoor […]

Cover Letter Mistake Checklist – Can Yours Pass?

A cover letter can make or break any job seeker’s success with landing a new assignment. When done well, a cover letter intrigues the hiring manager to want to learn more. When done poorly, the cover letter turns the hiring manager off and the resume goes into the garbage can. How can you know if […]

The Real Reasons You’re Not Landing Interviews

You send off your brand-new cover letter and resume to hundreds of companies, get a few email confirmations, and then…nothing. This is something that many job seekers find highly frustrating. After all, you have the right skills, education, and work experience to qualify for most jobs, right? Hold on. There could be a few simple […]