Professional Growth

5 Workplace Tasks to Handle Before the End of 2016!

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The end of the year signifies an opportunity to tie up loose ends and prepare for the future. With that idea in mind, there are certain workplace tasks that are ideal to manage as you prepare for what is to come. To help you start your new year off right, here are five tasks you need to finish before the end of 2016.

1. Schedule a Team Check In

Now is a very good time for a team update. Take the opportunity to review the accomplishments and challenges that you and your employees faced during the year, and have a discussion about what was learned during the process. By reflecting on triumphs and tribulations, you include information on all of the major moments, and you can use the review as an opportunity to explore which processes should be continued into 2017.

If you know of big projects or milestones occurring in 2017, cover those as well. Consider it an opportunity to preview the upcoming year with your team. Not only is this a great way to keep your team informed on current happenings, but it also helps them feel like part of the business’ future plans.

2. Clean and Organize

While daily tidying can keep the office well-coordinated, having an annual organizational push can be beneficial. Take the opportunity to review which records from the previous year (or years, depending on your retention schedule) is no longer needed, and dispose of the excess in the manner you see fit. Encourage employees to take the time to reorganize their workspaces and do any surface cleaning that may have been neglected during the year.

This helps the new year feel like a fresh start, and it can actually be quite a stress reliever to know that everything is in its proper place.

3. Do Your Tech Checks

If you work in an organization that does not automatically push out software, antivirus or operating system updates, take a moment to see if any need installed. While most larger businesses favor certain automated procedures, often initiated through an IT department, smaller companies may not have employees dedicated to that cause. Review your current update settings and make sure you load anything important that may have been missed.

For those who use backup external hard drives or data sticks to hold copies of critical information, now is time to do a health check. Just as you test a smoke detectors battery on a regular basis, monitoring the condition of these devices is also important. Over time, all devices fail. By using quick tools to look for issues, and ensuring that your backup copies actually open should you need them, you are less likely to be caught off guard by device failure.

4. Have Some Fun

You know what they say about all work and no play, right? Even though you are operating a place of business, a workplace should also have the occasional celebration. Whether you want to host a small holiday gathering or a recognition event, adding some joy to the workplace helps employees feel appreciated. And that can go a long way toward inspiring them for the new year.

5. Plan for Hiring

If you anticipate needing additional employees for the beginning of next year, now is the time to plan. Hiring processes can take time, so starting as soon as possible makes it easier to find the people you need to make 2017 the best year yet for your business.

For help with your hiring needs, TempStaff has the expertise to find ideal candidates for your vacancies. Whether you need permanent full-time employees or some temporary staff, TempStaff is here to find what you need. Contact TempStaff today for a happier new year.


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